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Bibliography on Ergativity in Indo-Aryan

(di Andrea Drocco)

(still under construction - updated 31/12/2015) 

Abadie, P. 1974. ‘Nepali as an ergative language’, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 1.156-177.

Ahmed, T. 2006. ‘Spatial, Temporal and Structural Uses of Urdu ko’. Talk at the Workshop on “Case and Aspect in South Asian

Languages”, LFG06, Konstanz. An updated handout on this topic is presented at Universität Stuttgart in January 2007.

     2007a. ‘Unaccusativity and Underspecification in Urdu’. Talk at the Conference on “Theoretical and Computational Perspectives on

Under specification”, Stuttgart.

     2007b. ‘Ablative, Sociative and Instrumental Case Markers’. Talk at the Conference of  “Language and Technology”, Peshawar.

     2008a. ‘Non-Canonical Objects in South Asian languages’. Talk at the Workshop on “Case and Alignment in Indo-European”,


     2008b. ‘Non-Canonical Object marking in Nepali and Manipuri’. Talk at the “14th Himalayan Languages Symposium”, Gothenburg.

     2008c. ‘Spatial Sources of Structural Case’. Talk at the Workshop on “A Non-Canonical Perspective on Case”, Konstanz.

     2008d. ‘NCTV in Urdu/Hindi and Nepali’. Talk at the Workshop on “Transitivity and Case Alternations”, Stuttgart.

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Bisang, W. 1996. ‘Areal typology and grammaticalization: processes of grammaticalization based on nouns and verbs in East and

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Bubenik, V. 1989a. ‘On the Origins and Elimination of Ergativity in Indo-Aryan Languages’, The Canadian Journal of Linguistics 


     1989b. ‘An Interpretation of Split Ergativity in Indo-Iranian Languages’, Diachronica 6:2.181-211.

     1993a. ‘Morphological and Syntactic Change in Late Middle Indo-Aryan’, Journal of Indo-European Studies 21.259-281.

     1993b. ‘Restructuring of the Nominal System and the Evolution of Phrasal Case in Late Middle Indo-Aryan’, South Asian

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     1998. A Historical Syntax of Late Middle Indo-Aryan (Apabhraäða). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

     2000. ‘Was Proto-Romani an Ergative Language?’, in Elsik, V. & Matras, Y. (eds.), 205-227

     2001. ‘On the Actualization of the Passive-to-Ergative shift in the Pre-Islamic India’, in Andersen, H. (ed.), 95-118.

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Burton-Page, J. 1957. ‘The syntax of participial forms in Hindi’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19:1.94ff.

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     2006a. Theories of Case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

     2006b. ‘The Dative-Ergative Connection’. Proceedings of the “Colloque Syntax-Semantique de Paris 2005”, Paris.

     2007. ‘Why Case?’. Talk at the Workshop on “Empirical Approaches to Morphological Case”, Stanford.

Butt, M. & Ahmed, T. 2007. ‘Non-Canonical Argument Marking: Beyond Volitionality, Specificity and Animacy’. Talk at the Workshop

on “Case, Word Order and Prominence in Argument Structure”, Nijmegen.

Butt, M. & King, T. 1991. ‘Semantic case in Urdu’, Papers from the Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 27.31-45.

Butt, M. & Poudel, T. 2007. ‘Distribution of the Ergative in Nepali’. Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.

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     2008b. ‘Case: A Semantic System’. Talk at the “SFB 471 International Colloquium”, Konstanz.

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     1998. ‘Ergativity. Functional and formal issues’, in Darnell, M. et al. (eds.), Vol. 1, 177-208.

     1999. ‘Ergative case licensing in a split ergative language’, in Singh, R. (ed.), 291-307.

     2004. ‘Non-nominative subjects in Hindi-Urdu: VP structure and case parameters’, in Bhaskararao, P. & Subbarao, K. V. (eds.), Vol.

I: 141-168.

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